How to hire professional handyman services in dubai?

Professional Handyman Services in Dubai

Most people hire a professional handyman when the work to be done around the house is a little out of their league – be it installing a washing machine or cleaning the AC filters or just to hang an artwork. 
Precisely, the task doesn’t have to be too big to justify hiring a professional handyman. We either don’t know how to do it ourselves or don’t want to. Maybe we want to focus on some more important things rather than consuming time in making several attempts to get such issues fixed. 
Anyway, that’s totally okay! The Real struggle is to hire a reliable one because finding a professional handyman can be tricky sometimes especially if you live in a big city like Dubai which is flooded with the companies providing such services. Moreover, hiring a handyman is an important decision and should not be taken in a hassle as you are going to have them in your home. So it is best to research fully before making any deal. 
We know sourcing a reliable handyman isn’t as easy as it seems. For that reason, we have put together some tips that will help you in getting professional handyman services in Dubai

Look for local references 
A single reliable reference form a neighbor or a friend is far better than getting in touch with a number of handyman service providers. So ask your trusted friends, neighbors for a handyman referral. If they have hired someone in the near past they will report you about that particular handyman whether he was prompt, did quality work, completed the task on time, and lived up to expectations. Since professional handyman completely relies on a word to mouth marketing to build their businesses and is proud of being known in the community, so the one who is worth hiring will have left multiple footprints of his work in the market and is easily traceable.

Search online for the reliable companies
If you are struggling to get some good references then it’s time to look for the handyman services online. All you have to do is to Google down “Dubai Handyman Services” and results of top companies providing such services will appear. Just read the reviews, testimonials, and complaints from past clients. Screen the results and select the one that has best reviews and ratings. You can also find handyman service providers in various directories like Yellow Pages, and Google places. This is also the quickest way to find the handyman service providers and not only that you can also check out their website for rates, services, estimates, and even gallery of their past work. 

Make sure your handyman is insured and licensed 
Accidents can occur anytime with anyone and expect handyman to be no different.  So before hiring, make sure that the handyman has some form of accidental insurance otherwise if any such incident happens you will be fully liable. If the handyman working on your property has a liability insurance, the insurance company will pay for the damage caused. Another important thing that you must consider is to verify whether they have done the work before and it is recommended to hire the one with a proper license. 
 Group Tasks Together and prepare an estimate
Once you have selected your handyman, prepare a list of things that need to be done (if you don’t have them already) and prepare an estimate. More importantly group tasks together and hire the handyman when you have a couple of jobs to be done. After you have prepared the list and organized the tasks, take some time to mull over it. That way you can add anything you have elapsed. By revisiting the list, you won’t end up hiring a handyman for some job only to find days later that you need them again for another work. Since handyman is a one-man show it’s better to cross quite a few things off your checklist at the same time. 

Convey Clear Instructions 
Many times we have a specific idea of how we want something to look after renovation. So it is much better to pass the clear instructions to the handyman as he is not the mind-reader, and most importantly that way he will end up doing what you wanted it to be. Not only this, clear instructions from the onset means less confusion and relaxed working environment. 

Hopefully, these quick tips will help you in hiring a professional handyman in Dubai, Worried owner! 
Yeah, it can be a little tricky sometimes, but whether your job is big or small, simple or complicated, with some basic research and by asking the right questions, you can be sure of finding the right person who can work with you in improving your space be it your home or office. So Good Luck!
