Here Is How You Can Renovate Your Kid’s Room!

If you are reading this then probably you are a parent and have decided to renovate your tiny tot’s room, right? Renovating your little one’s room is pretty much simple. Just read the following advice and that’s it.
Blue for boys and pink for girls;
Not so hard, yeah?
Well, it isn’t as simple as that! Deciding room design based on this binary won’t work as your little curious kid is unique and different from all others. And, by the way, when did your little daughter tell you that her favouirte is pink? Did she?
Now, let me tell you what I’ve heard many psychologists saying. They say the whole environment like colours; design elements, etc. around a kid have a potential effect on his personality and mood. Kids are little curious scientists and everything around awes them.
Wondering how to go about designing the room for your kids now? Don’t worry as we are here, like always, to help you with that. Read on to find how you can renovate your kid’s room. But we need your kid’s help and we’ll let you know when. Keep reading.
1. The Psychology of Colours.
Effect of colors on children - Taskmasters Dubai
‘It’s a boy! Let’s decorate his room with only blue’ is kind of a favourite statement of almost every loving parent. Wait, is it yours too? Let’s change that now.
The world is colourful and each colour has a psychological impact on the mind. And since kids’ brains are in the formative stages, the effect is much more pronounced on them.
Do you want your kid to be calm and peaceful? Well, we’ve got a colour for that! Want your kid to be creative? We’ve colour for that! Want an angry kid? Guess what! We’ve got a colour for that too!
Different colours have a different effect on the mood of the kids. We researched a bit and found this:
Red causes focus and energy but too much red causes angry mood.
Orange causes cheerfulness, communication and socialization.
Yellow causes increased concentration and better memory recall.
Pink causes feelings of empathy and calmness.
You can research about other colours on your own. Where? Google, of course!
What we suggest is to design a room with a blend of different bright colours. This would create a playful and fun environment for your kids.
2. Bright Lamps and Lights
Bright lamps in toddler room - Taskmasters Dubai
Kids don’t like dark environment at all. Provide them space which is bright with different kinds of lights and lamps.
You can have three basic types of lighting; ambient lighting, task lighting, accent lighting.
Ambient lighting creates a pleasant glow across the whole room while task lighting is used for specific activities like reading and studying. Accent lighting highlights the architectural details.  Kids are very receptive to bright rooms, so make sure to incorporate the proper lighting.
Wondering how to do this? Fret not as we provide electrical services in Dubai, so we are going to help you with that.
